What is a service organization? Why should you join? Wait, aren't those the groups that my dad or grandpa belong to? They just drive those funny planes during parades and collect money at stop signs right? I know they raise money for something but what? These are some of the same questions I had until I learned more about them.

What is a service organization?

They are typically non profit or volunteer dependant organizations consisting of people who want to make a difference in their communities. Each organization has different methods of funding. Multiple sources of funds usually include membership dues, fundraisers, and donations. Others may receive funds from grants and sales of merchandise. They are very diverse groups ranging from a civic group to an animal rescue to assisting low income families or providing activities for the elderly.

Why Join


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As a Lions club member, you’ll join a local group of service-minded men and women who are volunteering to support your community every day. You’ll also become a member of Lions Clubs International – a respected international organization – a leader in your local community and a friend to people in need.